Panel Forums

- Live Presentation from experts and distinguished speakers to a large audience
- Remote viewers become engaged through high quality images of speaker presentations
- Special speakers with unique qualifications can be included in the Panel Forum with HD video conferencing
- Multiple forms of remote participation are available from WebEx, to Webcast and video conferencing
Panel Forums throughout time have generally been more structured business presentations in which presenters make remarks in turn either from a podium or from their seats at an elevated table in the front of a meeting hall or auditorium. A Panel consists of two or more presenters that are on stage at the same time, often seated next to one another, ready to address a particular issue. Sometimes these forums are called Symposia or Seminars, however the key distinction we present here is that panelists address a common audience but the interaction is primarily among the panelists, not between the panelists and the audience.
In most pre-year 2000 Panel Forums, the presenters of information would all gather at the primary, or host, location. From that one location the presenters (panelists) would address a room of people with recordings being made for distribution to remote parties some time after the presentations had ended. Since 2000, Panel Forums have taken on a new dimension. They still include a panel of speakers interacting with one another and presenting materials to an audience, however, now the panelists themselves can be physically separated geographically. The panel members can be in different cities, and indeed, in different countries.
Using high definition video conferencing equipment at each location, TKO can bring together presenters that may be separated by thousands of miles. All of the traditional audio visual tools normally engaged to make presentations are still employed, however by adding video communications tools in the form of High Definition video conferencing, you can now assemble a panel of experts without causing them to travel for the event. Using video conferencing technology as a supplement to a Panel Forum can change the dimension of the forum itself. Eliminating the requirement for all panelists to be at one location opens up the pool of panelists to now include "guest panelists" and "distinguished presenters". Today's Panel Forums can be composed of panel members from around the world, each addressing the common audience and presenting their own materials.
TKO Services
Our team of event managers, technicians and engineers can provide insight into how your Panel Forum can and should be designed. We will apply our skill and know-how to make recommendations for venue selection, and communications tools to help you include local and remote panel members. Our greatest expertise is in the important area of making video and audio communications work and Panel Forums require such a focus. We can assist you in arranging for all of the audio visual services required at a host location and we can also arrange for and fully test the remote location where you may have a panel member you wish to include in your meeting.
- Site/Venue Survey and network evaluation for Panel Forum
- Onsite assistance in advance of Panel Forum to test equipment and assure connections
- Audio / Visual systems and setup including cameras, lighting, microphones and sound systems
- Recording equipment in Standard or High Definition for reproduction on digital media such as DVD's
- Webcasting, videoconferencing and satellite broadcasting of the Panel Forum as may be requested